The Eclipses are Coming!
Jim Todd, Director of Space Science Education at the Oregon Museum of Science & Industry (OMSI), will help you prepare for the 2023 Annular Solar Eclipse and 2024 Solar Eclipse! The annular eclipse this year is the second of three notable solar eclipses viewable from the US. It follows the US total eclipse of August 2017 and comes six months before the North American total eclipse of April 2024.
On October 14, 2023, annularity, where the Sun forms a ‘ring of fire’ around the Moon, is visible along a narrow path that crosses from Oregon to Texas. It then passes over Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula, plus parts of Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Portland will observe a strong partial eclipse of 86% at 9:19 AM.
The Great North American Total Solar Eclipse will take place on April 8, 2024. This will be the third time in seven years that a total or annular eclipse crosses the United States mainland, following the total eclipse of August 2017 and the annular eclipse of October 2023. The narrow path of totality, where the Moon covers the Sun completely causing a total eclipse, will run through central Mexico, the eastern United States, and eastern Canada. A partial eclipse will be visible across nearly all of North America. Portland will observe a partial eclipse of 22% at 11:25 AM.
Solar viewing glasses will be required for both viewings! Where will YOU be in 2023 and 2024?
About Jim Todd
Jim Todd is the Director of Space Science Education at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry and the President of the Rose City Astronomers. He teaches astronomy at Portland Community College and is the go-to authority for space-related information for news organizations throughout the region. He has been the liaison between the club and the museum since the founding of the club and has always provided excellent and very generous support, providing us with facilities and resources and helping us become one of the most successful astronomy clubs in the country. He has also served as the Co-Director of the Oregon Star Party and has been instrumental in connecting Oregonians to astronomy throughout his career.